25 ‘Manly’ Things Guys Do That Are Actually Really Annoying


Wearing really baggy pants that require you to hold on to your junk in public. Literally no woman finds this attractive.


I had a ex boyfriend that would make faces (roll his eyes, make that “wtf is she talking about” smirk) whenever we were in public. It’s like he became a dick in front of others to show dominance or something. Whenever I would ask him why he’s making that face he’ll proceed to argue with me. In private, he wouldn’t pull that shit.


Dated a guy who bragged about never reading. He thought it (*reading) was “nerdy.” No you’re just being immature. Same guy also did crazy stupid stunts, which could seriously endanger his life (like climb to the forth floor balcony on the outside of the apartment-complex, just because).


Any guy who shits on mental health or going to therapy. My friend’s husband once said, “Why is ‘Bob’ depressed all the time? I think he’s over reacting. Therapy? You don’t need therapy. Come to me. I’ll give you a shot of whiskey and kick you in the balls. You’ll feel better.” I sat there and shook my head.


Guys who treat their girl like shit in front of people to show that they are “the man” in the relationship. It always makes me think that in private, they must be very insecure about their masculinity. I find gentle and affectionate men to be the manliest ones.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.