25 Men Confess The Moment They Knew They Wanted To Marry Their Wife


At the end of their first date my Grandpa told my Grandma that he was going to marry her. She responded “I don’t even know if I want to go out with you again.”


My parents met 39 years ago last Friday, in a lineup for a movie. my moms friend knew my dad from another friend and introduced them. My dad was known as a ‘wild guy’, and my mom was seriously considering becoming a nun. naturally, they started dating. Couple months later, my mom found a lump in her breast. my dads aunt died of breast cancer very young, and it just freaked him out I guess. My mother had the lump removed and thank god it was benign, but my dad had already rushed out and bought an engagement ring. He always claims he knew from the moment he saw her, but a couple of glasses of wine and he will tell you that he saw what life could be like without her, and it wasn’t worth living. they never fight, they always work together, and my moms heart still skips a beat when he comes home from work.


On a business trip I got food poisoning, which brought on DKA. I was vomiting constantly, and kept drifting in and out of consciousness. My wife (then-girlfriend) called me about 20 or 30 times before I finally answered. The only thing I could force myself to say was “hi baby. I’m really sick.” Then I blacked out again. What seemed like 5 minutes passed (which was actually about 12 – 13 hours) when I heard a banging on my hotel room door. I heard my girlfriend’s voice yelling “It’s me. Let me in.” I screamed as loud as I could “get in here! get in here!” then I blacked out. I woke up in the hospital a day later. I found out that when I didn’t answer the door, she ran downstairs, got a key, came up, and called an ambulance. The ambulance said that they would be there in 30 minutes. She said “that’s not soon enough.” She put me into a rolling computer chair and pushed me to the elevator and out to her car, threw my near lifeless body in the backseat, and drove me to the hospital. If she waited for the ambulance, I would not have made it. After I asked her parents for their blessing.


When I was a young lad I had bought a pair of swords. Now for some reason I still had them, but when my now-wife agreed to come over my place I decided to hide them in a storage closet because why would any grown man have these. So, a while down the line she was looking for something in said closet when I heard “what the hell? You have swords? WHY ARE YOU HIDING THESE?!” I was prepared to be mocked mercilessly, when instead she handed me one and then started swinging. It was about that time that I realized I was going to marry her.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.