These 25 People Do the Weirdest Things in Bathrooms


I always open the shower curtains to make sure no ones hiding behind them. Even though with my pants down about to take a dump I don't really think I'd be prepared for the day that I see someone..


I have a shower with one of those glass walls, so when it steams up, I like to put water in my mouth, stick my face straight onto the fogged up wall, so that my nose, mouth and my chin are touching it. I then puff up my mouth and shoot out the water from either side of my mouth, so that the trajectory arcs slightly upwards on either side of my face before running down.


I have to bring all my cats into the bathroom with me while I take a sh*t.


When I pick up my toothbrush I have to launch it up in the air and then nonchalantly catch it, like a ninja. Same goes for the toothpaste.


If I'm taking a dump I HAVE to read something. Sometimes if I had to rush there I'll read the back of labels on the products lying around.


I always put toilet paper in the toilet before taking a dump – for fear that splashback might happen, its actually extremely effective and a good tip for anyone who hates the dreaded Poseidon kiss.


I never thought this was weird until I told my friends: when I shit at someone else's house besides my own, I do something called “The Soap Treatment.” The last thing I want to do is stink up the bathroom of a place where I'm a guest. So what I do when I have to shit at party or something is run hot water over some soap in the sink for a couple minutes. Bar soap works best but liquid is fine, too. It completely overpowers the scent of poop. Seriously.


I hum when I take a dump. I don't even realize I'm doing it, but I've doing it since I was a kid. I've noticed my younger son has started to quietly sing on the toilet now.

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.