These 25 People Do the Weirdest Things in Bathrooms


Every time I strip down before I shower, and check myself out in the mirror and dance for 10-20 seconds.


I take all the hair i lose while washing/conditioning and stick it to the shower wall instead of letting it go down the drain. when i'm done i roll it into a ball and throw it away. i call it a Shower Spider and I don't know where the name came from, but i'm too scared to google “shower spider” and find out if it came from a movie or something.


I pee with the door slightly open, no matter where I am


n the shower, I cup my hand around my asshole so it pools up water. Then I fart and it sounds like Donald Duck and I lol internally.

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.