25 Ruthless Cheaters Who Got Caught In The Act

11. When She Uses Your Computer


“My Ex and I were on vacation at her families farm and she had been using my work laptop at night. While we were watching TV she was using the laptop and I wanted to look up something real quick so I asked to use it for a second. She was leaning over my shoulder and just acting really weird. Then some guy messaged her on Facebook and she snatched the laptop out of my hands. I found that really weird.

We slept together in the same bed that night as we did every night. What she didn’t know is that my work laptop has a keylogger on it like all the machines at work do. We were at the airport on our way home and she was asleep on the floor next to me. I decided to check the keylogger and found out that she had been cybering with this dude in the bed next to me while I slept all vacation.”

12. When She Needs A Little Dough


“One of my exes removed my name from her Facebook profile along with acting suspicious in other ways. Well, one day I looked through her phone while she was in the shower. I saw she said something along these lines to two different guys: “Would you wanna be in a relationship? For real?”

When I called her out on it, her mother got involved and said I had no right to look. They both claimed that she (my ex) was just using these guys for money and didn’t actually have any feelings for them.”

13. When You’re Out of Town


“I had a job that required me to travel and I usually was gone over the the weekends. The longest I may have been gone is 3 weeks to a month. My GF and I were living together.

One day, one of my best friends comes by my apartment unannounced, and lo and behold, some random fucker answers my door… shirtless. He calls me and tells me about it. I come home a couple of days later, confront her, and she denies it repeatedly and then comes clean.”

14. When She Likes Your Friend


“I dated this girl for 3 years and I went on a trip to Mexico for 3 days. The first thing I did was go see her and give her the gifts. I left to go to my hometown but I stopped by the mall to buy a certain kind of diamond that surpasses all diamonds.

Once I made that purchase, I walked through the food court only to see that “lovely angel” (I just spent 4 months of pay on) of mine. She was walking out of a store wrapped in the arms of a once very good friend of mine then kissed him.”

15. When You Want To Surprise Him


“I was at work today when my boyfriend texted me, asking if I’d like to come to his place when my shift was over. My head had been hurting all day so I declined, because all I wanted to do when my shift was over was go home and sleep.

At the end of my shift, I was feeling better so I decided I’d drive over to my boyfriend’s house to surprise him. When I got there and looked in and saw that he was sitting on the couch watching tv (his back to me). As I was walking toward the door, I saw a girl was with him, completely naked.”

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.