27 People Took “Truth or Dare” to Another Level


In high school a group of friends were playing ToD drunk after a party at my house. One of my friends had a crush on a girl and was trying hard to get with her. So when it was her turn to ask him he suavely stated “dare”. She told him to put one of the lights adorning the nearby Christmas tree into his d*ckhole. He did, she was disgusted and ended up loudly hooking up with another friend in an adjacent room while he sat on the couch nursing his burnt d*ck.


When I was 17 I worked as a summer camp counselor. The week of our orientation (before the campers arrived) all of the counselors were down by the lake when we started the game of truth or dare. Everybody was pretty normal except for this quiet girl that was a Disney freak. Everything Disney: pajamas, sleeping bag, hair ties, t-shirts. All Disney, all the time. Being 17yr olds up in the woods our truths and dares turned sexual pretty quickly. After finishing my dare I turned to her and asked “Truth or dare?” “Truth,” was the reply. “OK, have you ever had sex?” I asked. “Yes, but only with one person. My father. It started when I was 12.” Game. F*cking. Over.


One time I was dared to kiss this girl and I passed because I was in a long going relationship with a girl I really love (3 years) and so I did this instead. I poured really hard rum on my hand and lit it, I had to keep it lit for as long as I could. Once it got to hot to handle I had to put it out. Part of the dare though was to put it out with the watermelon next to us. So I proceeded to punch it open with my flaming fist and stick my hand in it for 3 long annoying sticky hours.


I was at a Truth or Dare party in college. Everyone pays $5 to get in and gets the same allotment of monopoly money. You bet people to do things and accept bets and whoever has the most at the end of the night got to keep the door. GREATEST PARTY EVER. I just dared girls to make out with me all night. until I ran out of money, so I had to accept a couple dares. Someone dared this other guy to eat a zebra cake off my ass. And Dared me to drop trow and allow him to. I figured, “I'm not eating it, no big deal.” it wasn't that terrible, but it did get my ass all sticky. I also felt like I couldn't really complain, because of what the other guy had to do.

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs flavorandbounty.com, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.