27 People Took “Truth or Dare” to Another Level


At age 18, while at a friends house digging around looking for a lighter, he finds an adult toy in his (single) dads room. It was one of those hot pink, sparkly, dildos with the rabbit thing on it. Something that didn't really seem like a guy toy and it was in the spare nightstand so we assumed maybe an old girlfriends or something. Fast forward a few weeks later his dad is out of town, there are a few of us over playing truth or dare and I dare him to “do something to his dads dildo”. He grabbed it with a zip lock bag worn like a glove, then rubbed some cut open habanero peppers all over it. This was a Friday night and his dad was supposed to be back Saturday. Saturday night rolls around and he, our other friend, and myself are all at his house. As the other friend and I stood in the driveway we hear the most God awful, blood curdling scream. We dash in just in time to meet our friend in the hallway as he flies into his dads room. His mom, dads ex-wife, is in the floor butt naked, curled up in a ball screaming her head off. Apparently his mom and dad had been screwing around behind the family's back. A hospital trip followed and after spending the night in the ER, not knowing WTF happened, they ended up coming out in the open, getting back together, and then remarried. That was 12 years ago and they are still together. For their wedding present I gave them a jar of habanero's that they still don't understand to this day.


My friends and I dared a kid to snort a bit of very hot hot sauce. He snorted it like a champ then spent the rest of the night with blood pouring from his face. Ahhh 7th grade..


I once witnessed a grown white man with a full beard swap clothes with a 16 year old chinese girl. We all lost a bit of pride that day.


One of the popular girls in my high school admitted to regularly pooping in her hand. She took truth and was asked to tell an embarrassing secret or something like that. She said that she was always embarrassed whenever there was a splashing sound in the toilet when she went to poop, so she'd always poop in her hand and then slide it quietly into the water. She went from being a popular girl to being “the hand-poop girl” pretty quick.


A friend of mine back in high school was asked where the weirdest place he had ever masturbated was. His answer was “A train” which really isn't too weird (still pretty weird) but he then, for whatever reason didn't stop there, and told us where he put the.. mess.. afterwards when then train staff came through.. He f*cking ate it.

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs flavorandbounty.com, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.