These 28 Incredible Photos Are Some Of The Most Powerful Images In History

15. When the Little Rock Nine paved the way for desegregation in schools.


I’m not going to call Elizabeth Eckford the Beyonce of the Little Rock Nine, because that would trivialize the impact that Brown v. Board of Education had on the civil rights movement.

But I will say this – she has a crazy amount of ‘Bey’ factor (poise, confidence, and class) for a fifteen year old. Especially one who’s getting death threats from a scowling mob of harpies.

…Seriously, look at the faces of the women in the back.


16. A South Sudanese soldier stands in line to rehearse Independence Day ceremonies.


In 2011, South Sudan became the world’s youngest sovereign nation, reminding us that history isn’t all in the past – it’s being written every day.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.