28 ‘Thanks For Coming To My Ted Talk Tweets’ Funnier And More Informative Than An Actual Ted Talk

Ok, no lie, Ted Talks are the best. But sometimes, listening to a 20-30 minute talk in order to feel less garbage about yourself is simply implausible. You just don’t have the time.

So, in the interest of conserving your time, we’ve compiled a wide range of informative tweets that are essentially a Ted Talk, but in 280 characters or less. We do it because we love you <3


27. On day drinking:

26. On consensual sex:

25. On ABBA:

24. On nomenclature:

23. On being a hater:

22. On those tiny water cups:

21. On breakups:

20. On bad film girls in white:

19. On the actual best Hollywood Chris:

18. On unwanted physical attention:

Written by Texts From Last Night

Texts From Last Night is a regularly updated blog featuring funny lists, trending stories and re-posts of short text messages submitted by its users.