29 “I’m Getting Old” Moments


When my wife asks to pull a gray hair but I say no because I’m balding and need every damn hair I can get.


My old moment came when I saw neighbor kids riding their bikes through my yard and I ran out and yelled at them to “get off my lawn.” Not only did I realize I had used an old guy cliché, but I also realized just how much my lawn and its aesthetic integrity mean to me. I used to make fun of my dad for that. Now…I get it.


I went golfing and bought a hot dog at the turn. Saw they had Grey Poupon. Of course I said, “Pardon me but do you have any Grey Poupon?” in my best British accent to the girl working the stand. She was like, “Yeah, it’s right here in the fridge.” It was at that moment that I realized I wasn’t as young as I perceived myself to be.


My kids complaining that I’m always listening to the 90s station. I used to complain to my own Father about always listening to the 60s station.


I work in retail for a major cell phone provider part time for extra cash, and some teenage kids were alone, buying a case or something relatively inexpensive for their phone. They paid in cash, and their change was five cents, so I said “and here’s your nickel back. HA get it, like the band?” making an obvious dad joke. They both just looked at each other and said “Who is Nickelback? I’ve never heard of that band”

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs flavorandbounty.com, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.