These 31 Sex-Ed Teachers Gave Students Completely False Information


The blood in the penis during an erection must come out somehow, so when you lost the erection, your penis would bleed… Strange teacher.


That condoms were 80% effective per time of use, and that was only if you used them correctly. Actually condoms are 98% effective over the course of a year if used correctly. Her theory was that 1 in 5 times you had sex with a condom would result in pregnancy (or at least that’s the lie she told). I never thought very much of her, and this certainly didn’t help.


Any kind of unprotected sex will 100% always result in pregnancy and AIDS (pregnAIDS). Possibly not in that order. Certain teacher would omit the part about protection and imply that this was the inevitable result of sexual contact of any kind. Kids know when you’re trying to scare them. The whole auditorium would roll their eyes in unison.


Some kid raised his hand & asked about anal sex & the teacher said “oh you mean gay sex?” & he said “no I mean anal sex” & then the teacher said “that’s how gays have sex it’s gay sex.” Then he talked about lubes & how you can also lube for vaginal normal sex. & then someone else asked what if a man & woman have anal sex & he said “then the man is secretly gay.” He was dead centered on that way of thinking. “Women don’t want to have anal sex only a gay man would pressure a woman into gay sex so he can find her attractive. That’s how you hear about gay men having kids before being found out as gay. They start with gay sex & finish normally so they can have kids & appear normal.”


It is impossible to ejaculate while conscious unless having sex with a member of the opposite sex.


Most people choose to abstain from sex until marriage.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of