35 Etiquette Tips that Will Make You a Less Terrible Person

19. Shield your lemon.


Sounds weird, right? And kind of… specific?

Until you’ve been on the receiving end of a splash of lemon juice to the eyeball.

The thing is, when you squeeze a lemon over your drink without covering it, it’s as likely to go anyplace as it is to end up in your beverage. Well, maybe not as likely, but if it does get in your eye, that shit burns. So try not to be that guy.

This same rule applies to sloshy drinks – nobody wants to wear your martini, so if you have a story to tell that requires you to wildly gesticulate and flail around, save it for later.


20. Don’t get greedy.


Your buddy didn’t ask you to pass the salt to remind you that you wanted it. If it has to go down the table and back before you get it, so be it.



21. Keep it down.


Is your brain under construction? Because it sounds like the world’s smallest buzz saw is drilling into your skull.

No? That’s just your music? Okay then.

Point being, if I can hear your headphones without putting them on my head, your music is too loud.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.