A man who calls himself “Kyle Trouble” is getting roasted online for his outdated notions of what men should be looking out for when they're on a first date with a woman. Now, relationships are very personal, and what is appealing to one person will be unappealing to another. There may be ladies out there who think Kyle is worth the Trouble, even if he seems like what he really wants isn't a date, but a time machine to take him back to the 1950s.
But Kyle went a little too far on one front for most people. Yes, he uses the word “slut” and that's gross and sexist and enough to consign him to the trash bin. But he also suggests that one of the top things you have to know about a woman is her relationship with her father. if it's bad, that's a deal breaker.
Easy things to ask on a first date that tell you whether a girl is worth deeper investment:
* Relationship with father
* Sexual past
* Views on children
* Attitude towards men
* Ability to cook/clean/domestic dutiesAll can easily be woven into a first date conversation.
— Kyle Trouble (@KyleTrouble) September 8, 2018
He even offers suggestions for how to eke out this info. Bring up a story of your own pop, then ask, very casually, “What's your best memory with your dad?”
He then goes on to explain why it's so important to know when your date lost their virginity and how many people they've been with. Honey, if you want this kind of info on a first date, you gotta pay an application fee.
Sexual past is pretty simple.
Many girls are dying to brag about their lay counts these days.
Play the questions game, start by asking how many boys she kissed, when she lost her virginity, etc etc.
— Kyle Trouble (@KyleTrouble) September 8, 2018
Attitude towards men is easy to spot a mile away.
If she has feminine grace and warmth, you’ll know she doesn’t have an inner hatred for men.
Or if she says all her exes were assholes, red flag.
— Kyle Trouble (@KyleTrouble) September 8, 2018
Also, as this is starting to take off, let me say this to all the women about to be offended.
I do not give a fuck what you think or about your feelings.
— Kyle Trouble (@KyleTrouble) September 8, 2018
Answer me this.
Why is it SO BAD to ask that a girl:
* Gets along with her family, respects men, likes children
* Isn’t a slut
* Can cookAgain, I ask, women calling for my head…
Why is this a BAD thing?
— Kyle Trouble (@KyleTrouble) September 9, 2018
“Respects men.” I don't know how someone could write they have that expectation after tweeting everything above.
Many are offended by Kyle's assertions, but a lot of folks have a pretty reasonable response to the Daddy Issues thing:
I don't think its fair to judge on the relationship with her dad. If she never had that chance to have an amazing relationship with her father isn't her fault. She could still be amazing
— tina (@Teena15644) September 11, 2018
So what if my parents got divorced and my father chose to not have a relationship with me? What does that say about me when I can’t answer this question? I have a fine relationship with my family and respect men who deserve my respect. In spite of my absent father.
— Katherine Elizabeth (K8)™️ (@kathelizmac) September 12, 2018
I feel like telling men about my father's lifeless body lying in a hospital bed when I was 5 is a bit too heavy on a first date.
— EG Mollie (@ElizabethWalkin) September 11, 2018
What if her dad was an abusive alcoholic? What if her dad died when she was 3? What if her dad was a turkey baster?
— Goody chaos witch (@pookietooth) September 11, 2018
"That would have to be when he walked out on my mom when I was three months old. Thanks for asking. Check, please!"
— 45sGottaGo (@45sGottaGo) September 11, 2018
In Kyle's world, men are never bad, so a father couldn't be abusive, or a dead beat, or even literally dead, apparently. Lots of women have bad relationships with their fathers, and it's no fault of their own: a parent is the one in charge of that relationship and responsible for making it a healthy one.
However, Kyle's advice is actually helpful. If any man follows it, you know to bail on the date immediately!
This tweet is a clear representation of how men are conditioned to view women:
1. does she adore her father?
2. Has she kept her legs closed?
3. Does she apologize for men's toxicity
4. Can she clean after me?Run away from these men https://t.co/M5mjtZGTIZ
— Judicaelle Irakoze (@Judicaelle_) September 9, 2018
Please men don't hesitate to ask this so we can immediately know if you are an asshole ✨ (btw kyle you'll die alone) https://t.co/nPE0p4AdW4
— personnage de Camus (@cosmobored) September 13, 2018
Easy things a guy might ask on a first date that tell you he isn't worth deeper investment: https://t.co/Q4uRtZf45m
— Jack Daddy (@DraneyJack) September 10, 2018
Here's a thread that illustrates which men you should avoid: https://t.co/DKsFuo9LvP
— Gillé Aiko (@gillie_cee) September 9, 2018
This guy: a woman's value is directly derived from how her existence relates to & benefits men.
Run ladies, he looking for a mother he can sex. https://t.co/S470DJc9jm
— ???????????????????? (@delila_cain) September 10, 2018
Some people contribute their own lists of requirements for men, using Kyle as a jumping off point:
Easy things to ask on a first date that tell you whether a boy is worth deeper investment:
*Relationship with mother
*Sexual past
*Views on children
*Attitude towards florence&the machine
*Ability to do basic blood spellsAll can easily be woven into a first date conversation. https://t.co/eoXQiS5tni
— pull the trigger piglet (@egggsaladd) September 10, 2018
Things to ask men on a first date:
* Relationship with mother
* History of sexual assault
* Attitude about women
* Do they still take their laundry to their moms on the weekend?
* Do all their meals come from microwaves https://t.co/D1DpGVGTKc— hero on the run ☀️ (@NewTalax) September 10, 2018
We all have our own lists. The first question on mine is, “Are you Kyle Trouble?” and if that answer is yes, I dine-and-dash.