If you've dated, you've been on a terrible date. Maybe lots of terrible dates. Now search your mind for the very worst one, and see if it matches up with any of the godawful date stories solicited by Twitter user @_ItsMissBre. She has just over 6,000 followers, but everyone wants to respond to her right now. They have some stuff to get off their chest.
@_ItsMissBre asked the Ladies to tell her their worst date. Plenty of dudes responded, too of course. They never hold back. What's surprising is how many of these awful date stories are actually pretty in retrospect.
Ladies: tell me your worst date.
— A Tribe Called Breast (@_ItsMissBre) August 23, 2018
You need a little distance to appreciate someone being a total ding-dong and wasting your time and energy and maybe even peeing in front of you in a parking lot (yeah, that happened). Terrible dates at least usually end up as good stories. Read these and be glad you're on the Internet and not at an Applebee's with some Tinder guy right now.
He picked me up (late) for movie, tried to get out of seeing it the whole time, he drives like a maniac WHILE SMOKING WEED, we get there he admits he spent all his money on drugs, asks if we can do something free. HELL NO take me home lmao ur boring anyway https://t.co/hpEDLISzFd
— Brooke Teston (@TheRealBrookeT) August 29, 2018
Kept me waiting for like 3hrs and then had the AUDACITY to ask me to pay for his taxi so that he could come meet me ??? https://t.co/Bh022lzc5P
— Bríana (@BrianaLee_) August 29, 2018
He very seriously and soberly told me that he wanted a stay-at-home wife who would make him bento boxes for lunch every day and give him two children, a boy and then a girl. We were both seventeen. https://t.co/pVf51NfaaU
— Jenn (@quicksparrows) August 29, 2018
Back in uni – We were meeting for dinner at a casual restaurant (Pei Wei) so I showed up in jeans and a cute top + jacket combo. He criticized the fact that I did not wear a dress. "Women wear dresses." Didn't let it go and asked for a do-over date so I'd wear a dress. No way! ? https://t.co/BV2UYQjvia
— Krystina Santoyo (@KrysMarie103) August 29, 2018
I went on a date with a white guy who, towards the end of the date, said he was glad colonialism happened bc without it we never would have met each other. https://t.co/tQmReBIXuo
— Good Form ?? (@VanillaIsBlaque) August 27, 2018
Planned this incredibly romantic *third* date with a table for two at an exclusive Beverly Hills restaurant. She asked if we could skip dessert because she had to go meet her boyfriend at 10:30 downtown. https://t.co/e7kUGKJuYZ
— Stephanie of the Tweets (@AgentTinsley) August 29, 2018
He said "I'm having sex with you."
I said "No, thank you."
He yelled in the bar "She just farted!" https://t.co/ul636mIcr0— Beatrice (@beatricetalmage) August 29, 2018
First Date: he took me home and we cooked/ate dinner with his mom and dad. https://t.co/jXBhnc2NOF
— Kara McDowell (@karajmcdowell) August 28, 2018
A guy spent all of dinner telling me about his ex-girlfriends and how after each break-up he had to move out of their place and move back home. Then he asked how big my apartment was. https://t.co/XgbDwzzHhO
— Danielle Sepulveres (@ellesep) August 27, 2018
I met him on a dating site. He showed me all of the girls that was talking to him. He kept talking about his ex. How much she messed him up. He was on his phone all through the date. Then he told me that he had to leave, because he had another date. https://t.co/wQxTvM8Irf
— Amanda (@AlienChick47) August 29, 2018