You know what they say — “all is fair in love and war.” Well, you know what I say? I say “f*ck that bullsh*t because it's that kind of backward and archaic thinking that got us into the mess of 2017.” Why should it be fair for a creepy creep to slide in my DMs with a sexist remark about my boobs and a picture of what I assume to be a very small, disfigured d*ck? Why should girls thinks it's fair to play mind games about what they ACTUALLY want for dinner when, like, let's be honest — it's always Chipotle.
Sometimes, the things that we need to hear, are also the hardest to hear. Of course I don't (always) assume that I am God's gift to the world — that's Beyoncé, duh — but if we don't check ourselves, and each other every now and then, we'll end up a bunch of entitled, lazy, annoying hipsters that live off of avocado toast and are ruining the housing market. Oh wait.
When it comes to heteronormative dating, sex, and relationships, men and women tend to think that they already know everything. We like to think that we know how to please, how to navigate tricky conversations, how to pinpoint another person's orgasm with one flick of the tongue or thrust, but in reality — we give ourselves WAY too much credit. That's why we must listen to random strangers on the internet to give us a kick in the ass and to shake us off of our pedestal and get down to the nitty gritty of truth.