These People Have Harsh Truths For Members Of The Opposite Sex


There is a MASSIVE difference between being strong, independent and respectable, and being a whiny, bratty and entitled pain in the ass. The former is an extremely attractive quality to have for a lifelong partnership that many people of all genders desperately look for, and the latter will get you looked down upon, pitied and ultimately avoided. And no, laying it on extra thick or “demanding” respect with the latter isn’t going to somehow make it magically work more.


I shouldn’t be able to smell you before I see you. Whether this is perfume, Axe whateverthefuck or straight up stank. Tone it down or take a goddamn bath. Especially if you work in an office.


I’m not always going to know when to make the next move. Why can’t you do it if you know, since I don’t. Moreover, I’m extremely patient. I can wait for you to be ready. But when you say you’re ready, please be fucking ready. I seriously want to go minigolfing with you. Don’t toy with me like that.


Your ex doesn’t want to get back together.


When you say, “Jack makes me an angry drunk,” “Tequila makes me a crazy drunk” and “Vodka makes me a slutty drunk” you’re actually just a drunk who uses alcohol to explain your shitty behavior. Can be for either sex


I can’t fix your insecurities. Only you can do that.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.