Tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast is an indisputable Disney classic that we’ll never be too old to love.
Author Dana Schwartz is a Disney enthusiast much like ourselves and took it upon herself to offer arguments as to why Bell should’ve chosen Gaston over the Beast. Her detailed presentation unsurprisingly inspired some heated discussion on Twitter and we honestly don’t know how to feel.
Author Dana Schwartz recently sparked some heated debate on Twitter when she shared her opinions surrounding Disney’s most notorious villains.
An important graph about Disney villains pic.twitter.com/YPf4WjsiFx
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) December 23, 2018
Her graph compared her feelings of attraction toward these villains alongside how valid their point of view is.
But the dialogue really took a turn when Schwartz she shared this follow-up tweet, supporting her feelings about Gaston.
She proceeded to share an entire powerpoint outlining her argument as to why Belle should’ve picked Gaston over the Beast.
First, Schwartz laid out Gaston’s pros.
Then she outlined the Beast’s “qualities”.
And proceeded to compare the two bachelors side-by-side.
Schwartz even added some historical context for posterity.
Then, she posed this very important question.
Which lead to this.
And this handy timeline.
Finally, Schwartz summed up her argument with the hard facts.
And offered an alternate ending for the Beast.
Unsurprisingly, Schwartz’s presentation quite a few strong reactions. Some people agreed with her…
This is 100 percent, indisputably the correct take https://t.co/nZkgJ7qhie
— Daniel Victor (@bydanielvictor) December 23, 2018
This is incredibly well researched. https://t.co/IfvdFjIEpO
— Nelly Frittata (@araeoflight) December 23, 2018
While others did not.
Well I never.
But but but: the Beast has a beautiful library full of beautiful books while Gaston is an analphabète imbécile. pic.twitter.com/mPnFL8TASz
— Crystal (@Crystal_belle) December 23, 2018
And one person suggested Belle deserved someone else altogether.
Gaston is a popular meathead who has no qualms for Belle’s feelings and views her as a womb eager to have his children, no matter how representative of the proletariat he may be. She deserved better than BOTH.
— Kate Morgan (@SomethingTexty) December 25, 2018