These 21 People Know About Their Significant Other’s Embarrassing Secrets


I know he’s really into Shania Twain topless pics. Had to google something on his ipad once and just decided to not mention it.


Dingleberries. Random dingleberries on the bed during sex, man. Powered through it, never told him.


He has this voice he uses when he’s on the phone or around his dad that is different than at home with me. Like he makes his voice deeper with his dad? And they have this weird way of saying hello to each other. I sort of teased him about it once and my SO looked at me like I was crazy so I never mentioned it again, but his mom has pointed it out to me and my cousin also noticed it. I don’t want to embarrass him by making him see it. His dad is one of his best friends and im not going to mess with that. There’s plenty of other things to tease him about.


This is for an ex. Her breath was not very pleasant, even if she brushed her teeth. It made me think back to a study I had read previously that people you are more compatible with will “taste” better to you when you make out. Has something to do with immune system IIRC. Makes me feel better, because I guess science was saying that my ex and I were not compatible.


My SO at the time was going bald. I didn’t give a shit, I wasn’t dating him for his hair, but he wore a hair piece, and I don’t believe he knew that I knew.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.