These 23 People had Unbelievable Paranormal Encounters


When I was a kid, I had a dream that there were two figures standing above me. They were wearing blue and white robes and there was a bright light in between them. Suddenly, they just started changing shape, like they were made of different materials. I woke up thinking that was a weird dream and I just went on with my life. Fast forward years later, I have to get a dental procedure where they cut a tooth out of my gums. Doctor and nurse come in, they shoot me up with numbing agents, laughing gas, etc., but they keep me awake. They shined the light in my mouth and then it clicked. I had seen all of this before. It was in that dream I had years before. All the drugs they pumped me with and the two started changing shape, just like the dream.


once I woke from a dream where my dad had died. I sat up in bed and the phone started ringing. It was my aunt calling from another country…my dad was in the hospital not expected to live.


A few years back, my allergies were really bothering me and as a result I was having trouble sleeping. I had been awake for an hour or so, just laying in the dark hoping I could get back to sleep. All of a sudden, as I was laying there, I started hearing a male voice screaming something about the curtains being on fire. There are no men living in my house, so my first thought was that one of our neighbors might have a fire. I went to get out of bed and look out my window, and I could not move. It was like I was paralyzed. I couldn't sit up, couldn't move my hands or feet, nothing. I started feeling extreme heat coming from the wall behind my bed, and I kept hearing someone screaming about the curtains being on fire. After what felt like a couple minutes or so, everything stopped all at once, and I could move again.


Growing up I've always had weird things happen to me. When I adopted my cat, I thought something was always following him. There would always be an orb around his body in photos, he would talk to the walls, and once I woke up to him staring in the mirror in my bedroom. It completely freaked me out.

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.