These 21 People Dated A Twin And It Got Messy


I’m currently dating someone who has an identical twin. It’s a little weird as the sister is one of my best friends but that would be the case even if they weren’t twins. I originally had a crush on my SOs twin but I was way to scared to ask her out, but that’s fizzled now so it’s not a problem. They also don’t look very similar even though they are identical, due to medical reasons.


Dated a girl who has an identical twin, Weirdest thing that happened was when I came to pick her up at her place, I thought she was the one who answered the door, called her babe and leaned in for a kiss, she shoved her hand to my chest and said “Woah! I’m not chelsea”. It was goddamn awkward after that. Told my SO what happened and she laughed her ass off.


My wife has a twin sister. They’re both pretty attractive but I never was interested in the sister. I almost smacked her butt a few times when we were all together. Thankfully it hasn’t happened yet.


I dated a twin, I never messed them up which was good, but there was this one time my girlfriend asked me if I wanted to play a game, I said sure. She showed me a bunch of old pictures of her and her twin sister and asked me to figure out which she was. I’m thinking, fuck I better know, this is probably a test.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of