10 Things Women Do That Scare Men Off, According To A Guy

If you constantly find yourself the victim of ghosting by guys, you may be wondering what’s going on and why you can’t manage to find love. If you’re pulling any these moves, is it any wonder you’re still single AF?


Sometimes a guy is just actually working. Just because you’re not talking all the time doesn’t mean he isn’t into you or isn’t thinking about you. Don’t flip out if he doesn’t text you back within 14 seconds. Step away from the phone and do something else!

Flaking Out

Hey, just let us know in advance if you can’t make a dinner or drinks. Don’t dither and wait for the last minute to cancel. A truthful explanation will usually suffice. So what if you’re on your period and feel like crap? A cool guy will totally understand.

Not Having Any Other Friends

It’s totally bizarre when you suddenly have no friends or no other interests just because you’re dating us. A guy doesn’t want to be your sole interest. It’s creepy. Don’t fixate, moderate.

Baby Talk, Cutie Wootie!

Uh, no thanks. Baby talk is weird. We’re not 14 years old. Keep your pet names a bit more modern and mundane or risk freaking us out.

Not Letting Us Breathe

You’re ok and he’s OK… in small doses. Let a guy have his interests. Just because he’s going for a 30-mile bike ride Saturday morning doesn’t me he’s not into you. Seriously. You should have something better to do than worry about it anyway.


Written by Kevan Huston

Kevan is an eater of sushi, a runner of many miles, and a listener of soul. If you want to connect with Kevan, you can find him on kevanhuston.blogspot.com, at kevanhuston.com and Twitter @kevanhuston.