The World Would Be Pretty Crazy If Life Were Like A Movie, And These 23 Hilarious Scenarios Prove It

If you’ve ever daydreamed about what your life would be like if you were the star of your very own movie, you’re definitely not alone (but you might have a penchant for the dramatic. Maybe).

But who could blame you? They don’t call it movie magic for nothing. Everything is bigger, brighter, and better on the silver screen. The good guy gets the girl. The heroes beat the bad guys. And when you’re reading from a script, you always have the perfect comeback.

Sadly, most of us don’t have sets, costume designers, or blockbuster budgets to play with on the road towards living out our fantasies. Le sigh. What’s a broke twenty-something to do?

We say, do it anyway. (DUH). Your version might not be as glamorous, but if you’re willing to get a little silly, you can have just as much fun swapping laser pointers for light sabers.

Here are 23 iconic movie moments we wish could happen in real life – plus hilarious, low-budget ways to recreate each and every one of them.

1. Dodging bullets

The Matrix


Why we love it:

Dodging bullets just seems like a really important skill to have, you know?

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How to do it at home:

Go in for the kiss with someone who’s not into you* and watch as they magically bend as far over backwards as is necessary to avoid you.

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Image via Gif Soup


*Please, don’t do this to a human. Because that’s assault. If you want to do it to your pet, though, that’s fine by us. Just don’t expect them to like it.

Image via Huffington Post
Image via Huffington Post


2. This. Is. Sparta!


Why we love it: 

Because we all have bad days. And a coworker we’d like to drop kick.

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Image via Giphy


How to do it at home:

Step 1: Forgo your Monday morning coffee the day you have a big deadline.

Step 2: Show up to work just a leeeetle bit late. Make sure everyone sees you.

Step 3: Wait for the office know-it-all to confront you.

Step 4: “This is [insert name of company here]!!!!” *Chest kick*

Step 5: Go to jail. Do not pass go.


For those who don’t want to serve time: Replace the regular coffee with decaf right before a big deadline. Then sit back and wait.

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Image via Giphy


3. Food fight!

National Lampoon’s Animal House


Why we love it:

Because we’re all a little bit immature. 

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Image via Gif Soup


How to do it at home:

Go out to dinner with uptight people you don’t mind never speaking to again.

Image via Giphy
Image via Giphy

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.