7. The Fake ID F*ckwad
Sorry, minors, but liquor laws are a legal thing. Even when you disagree with them.
And guess what? Your server may disagree with them, too. But that won’t stop them from losing their job if they accept your crappy fake ID.
So chill out, order a Diet Coke, and remember that this too shall pass.
8. The Person with an Allergy
Obviously, you can’t help it if you have an honest-to-god allergy.
But, the same way it isn't your fault that you can't eat nuts or gluten, it's not your server's fault if 99% of the menu incorporates one or both of those things.
Do your research beforehand so you know whether or not the restaurant can reasonably accommodate you, and for f*cks sake, know what you can and can't eat.
That means that if you’re violently allergic to shellfish, you should know that crab is, in fact, a shellfish. And that maybe you shouldn't come to all-you-can-eat crab leg night. No matter how awful you are, your waiter still doesn’t want you dying on their watch.