15 Bad Habits That Are Actually Good For You…You’ll Love #9

4. Sleeping In

Image via Quickmeme

Science or no science, telling your boss that you’re late to a meeting because you had to get your beauty rest is not going to fly. So if you want to be accepted by polite society – and hold on to your job – go to bed early. But on the weekends, don’t sweat a solid sleep session, even if it means eating brunch at 2pm. Getting 8+ hours per night improves memory, creativity, and focus, plus it boosts weight loss and helps fight depression. If you need to get shit done, sleep! You’ll be better equipped to tackle your to-dos.


5. Complaining

Image via Know Your Meme

Being a Debbie Downer from time to time is actually way healthier than pretending everything is fine. If “Inside Out” taught us anything, it’s that sadness is sometimes necessary. Being realistic helps you and others around you know that something is wrong and it needs to change.


6. Losing Your Temper

Image via Playbuzz

There’s a time and a place, but bottling up your feelings – especially ones these toxic – raises your blood pressure and leads to chronic stress (the bad kind). So let off some steam once in a while. Before you really snap.

Bonus bad habit: Fuck yeah! Cussing SPARINGLY actually elevates endorphins, provides pain relief and can keep things from getting physical.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.