We've all been there. You're hard-core gettin' your bang on and that ish gets wet n' wild. Then, suddenly, that D slips into that B and you're just like “WRONG HOLE”.
Sure, on the reg, that blessed B isn't “wrong” (if the booty is wrong, I don't wanna be right). But when your goal is P in the V then, yeah, that was the wrong hole.
But some people have very different reactions to accidental slippage. Some ladies be like “Ahhhh owwww stop.” But other ladies either don't say sh*t and keep going, or they/re like MAMA LIKE DAT.
But if you're a man and you slip in, that ish best be an accident, 'cause if you know what you're doing, and are putting it in without consent, you are a POS.