As they do every year, the Kardashians celebrated Halloween with multiple costumes across multiple days. With so many people in their family, they have so much wiggle room to be anything– and truly everything–they want.
For a Halloween party, Kim Kardashian decided to channel Pamela Anderson. She shared a bunch of videos of her look on Instagram and Snapchat.
Her BFF Jonathan Cheban–aka FoodGod–came dressed as her Tommy Lee. The two always go in their “couples costumes” together for years.
Kim Kardashian started getting annoyed when all the “young people” at the party didn't recognize who she and Jonathan were supposed to be, so she had Jonathan show everyone a photo.
But, when she saw her friend Stephanie, she complained about how everyone couldn't recognize her–and, used a really offensive word for the people who didn't know. In her Snapchat video, she can be heard using the r-word.
After it was seen by her 120 million followers, people were angry to hear that she would use this kind of word in such a crude and insulting way.
Here’s a video of Kim Kardashian calling people the R word because they don’t who she is for Halloween. She also uses the word “anorexic” as a compliment. This is not Okay.
If you get bullied over mental health or your weight, call 24-hour help hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
— Stephanie Sidley (@StephanieSidley) November 1, 2018
@KimKardashian So people that don’t know who you are for Halloween are retarded really!! Smh maybe you should spend time with people with disabilities that way you can show more empathy towards those that are special needs
— Lely (@iam_leslie86) November 1, 2018
So, @KimKardashian thinks the “R” word is appropriate and posted it online. As a Single mother (my boys father passed away) of a child on the Spectrum, I find this offensive. Maybe she should spend a day in our shoes. Try calming down an outburst in public alone. With onlookers.
— Susan (@Sloosh666) November 1, 2018
Since the controversy had hit social media and people were reaching out to Kim Kardashian, dragging her for thinking it was appropriate or okay to use this kind of language at all, she has issued an apology. She told Us Weekly:
“I want to apologize for what I said in a recent video post that is inappropriate and insensitive to the special needs community. I try to learn from my mistakes and this is one of those times. Please know that my intention is always pure, and in this case, it was a mistake. I'm sorry.”
Do better, Kim–millions are watching.