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This College Student Struggled So Much On A Final Exam That She Sent The Professor Photos Of Herself And Actually Got A Response

Anyone who has ever endured the utter brutality that is college finals week knows how trying it can be on the mind, body, and soul. Hours spent studying the same texts over and over, pulling all-nighters, consuming an ungodly amount of coffee, and many emotional breakdowns are just a few of the necessary evils that come along with exams.

One college student named Alana is no stranger to the trials of finals week. In fact, she became so overwhelmed after taking one of her most difficult exams that she emailed her professor a photo of herself crying and he actually responded.

If you’ve ever taken a college final you know exam week usually looks something like this:

And this:

University of Rochester student Hannah Foster and her classmate Alana Ferris are no strangers to these emotions and recently endured the horrors of finals week.

@hannahfoster07 / @alana_ferris

In fact, Alana was so overwhelmed by the difficulty of her chemistry final that she decided to share her emotions with the professor in a heartfelt email.


We feel you, girl.

Believe it or not, the professor actually responded and apologized for Alana’s strife.


Hannah later shared the entire exchange on Twitter.

And people could totally relate.

Some even imagined what the professor’s real reaction was like.

And one of the exam graders chimed in.

Hang in there, Alana! Maybe the next exam won’t be so bad…

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Written by Emily Burns

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