These 19 People Witnessed Someone Die


I saw a car in flames that had crashed into a concrete pillar supporting a pedestrian bridge. I got out and ran to the car, and the guy was not responding. He was bad off. His left leg was twisted backwards and somehow wedged between the door and the car. He had a pretty serious head injury. Blood was everywhere. The 911 operator told me what to check for, and I definitely read a pulse from him and felt breath. I tried very hard to get the door open to remove him. The flames had already spread into the passenger compartment (old, shitty car plus the entire front-end was destroyed. Fire wall probably was breached. Who knows?). I couldn't get him out, so I ran to a nearby delivery van about 30 meters away. I was screaming for help. A guy came out and immediately tossed me a fire extinguisher. Now the guy is on fire. I tried to spray him down, but the extinguisher was empty. Realizing he was either already dead or at least beyond my help, I just spent the next several minutes keeping onlookers away from the vehicle until emergency crews arrived. I did absolutely everything I could, but it just wasn't enough.


I was in Iraq, and the day before christmas my squad went out on mission to bring mail and supplies to another platoon who was stationed out in the middle of nowhere. We got hit with an IED and I watched my gunner bleed out of his neck. We called for a medivac, but by the time they got there it was too late, and I watched my best friend since high school die. I think about it almost every day even now.


Working a police detail at a town meeting, where the town was actively fighting a development project, and the developers had two lawyers there to represent their side of the deal. The older lawyer began making snorting sounds and kicked out his feet as he sat, as if he were struggling with someone. We moved to assist, and put the man flat on the floor, loosened his tie and collar as we assessed and looked to perform CPR until the ambulance arrived. As I was right over him, I literally witnessed the light go out of his eyes. I had to go out and clear the way for the ambulance as the others took turns performing CPR, and that's where I stumbled across the other lawyer, sitting on the curb outside, crying and holding his head in his hands. The older lawyer was his father.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of