25 Men Confess The Moment They Knew They Wanted To Marry Their Wife


I was 18 and just gotten out of a dental appointment where 2 of my wisdom teeth were pulled out. I was drooling, stains of blood all over my shirt and it was the summertime. My gf at the time was 16, took what little money she had from her allowance, bought me a box of ice cream and biked 25 minutes just to deliver that box of ice cream and see how I was doing. With blood stains all over, she still gave me that look of love and planted a kiss on me. That was almost 20 years ago and I still can’t imagine having a happier life without her in it.


My mother had a stroke. We were all sitting in the waiting area outside the ICU, because only 2 people were allowed in at a time. It was my now-wife’s birthday, and a Wednesday, and she didn’t hesitate to take the day off to sit with me and my family. I went to visit my father at home, and she came with me. Her Italian instincts kicked it, and she brought a load of groceries and a lasagna with her. My father was a mess at the hospital, and it fell on me and my siblings to speak with the doctors and make plans. I would get home, and pour myself some bourbon. She made me dinner, and just sat with me while I silently sobbed. It wasn’t about how great we were when things were good, it was about how perfect she was when things were bad. I bought the ring 2 months later.


My husband tells me he knew when he casually asked me this question on our second date: “What time is it?” Correct answer and the answer I gave? “It’s Howdy Doody time.”


She invited me to her apartment to cook me dinner. On my way, I picked up a prescription and promptly took the first pill. Five minutes before dinner was ready, I had an adverse effect and passed out on her couch. Woke up and she was gone. Figured she went to the bar across the street we go to. Nope. As I was getting ready to leave, she returned with a fresh set of clothes and toiletries for me for work the next morning. She walked 9 blocks up the hill to my apartment, got me everything I needed for the next day, and came back. This was our second date.


My sister had her stitches sewn poorly after her tonsillectomy. They came out and she kept bleeding enough to throw up blood. Our mom was drunk that night and refused to let my sister leave the house. He stood up to her drove my sister, our best friend, and I to the hospital. None of us were 18 so I called my grandmother to get permission for admittance. Then he spent the whole night doting over her, holding her hair back while she threw up blood, told her she looked beautiful, took the least comfortable place to sleep in the waiting room. When they went back to college he carried her textbooks, gave her his notes, and made sure she got all of her medication. It was amazing what he did for her when times were bad.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.