25 Ruthless Cheaters Who Got Caught In The Act

16. When You Come Home Early


“He knew my work hours changed slightly today and I would be home thirty minutes early. But he didn’t know I got out ten minutes early. Soon I get there and go inside and immediately see a girl’s shoes in the door and figure out what’s happening.

I go to the bedroom and I see a messed up bed and a body hiding under the blankets. Then I yell something like, “Who is it?!” She uncovers her head and I recognize her immediately. It was his coworker that I’ve known for a year and a half.”

17. When He’s Gotta Catch Em All


18. When He’s Always At the Sports Bar


“My now–ex husband was obsessed with fantasy football, so I was used to him being gone to the sports bar a lot during football season. One day I decided to surprise him by going to watch a game with him (I hate football). When I got there, I discovered a waitress sitting in his lap. Apparently football wasn’t the only reason he’d been going there. They’d been hooking up for months.”

19. When He’s Going On A Lot of Playdates


“My husband is a stay-at-home dad. The kids started to mention how they were having lots of playdates with a particular set of kids. Then one day my son said that they went to that house again, but it was supposed to be a secret. That was because he saw Daddy and Hannah’s mom hugging. I confronted my husband and he caved and admitted it.”

20. When He’s Charging It


“I found out because he slipped up and charged a hotel room on his credit card. He was supposed to be out of town, but charged a room for a downtown hotel here. It turns out he had a secret credit card he had been using for all his cheating expenses but accidentally used our joint card this time.”

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.