25 Ruthless Cheaters Who Got Caught In The Act

21. When He’s “At The Gym”


“I’d been feeling suspicious for a few months. Just lots of little things that weren’t adding up and some odd behaviors, like he was going to the gym all the time but wasn’t looking even a little bit more in shape. One day his phone rang while we were out and he let it go to voice mail. When he went to the bathroom, I listened to the message and it was a woman saying she couldn’t wait to ‘f*** him again.'”

22. When Your Dad Has to Break the News


“My ex-husband used to work for my father and my dad was and is the head pastor of our church. My husband was the youth pastor (we met at church when we were kids). I found out my husband had cheated because the woman he was seeing, and had dumped, sent MY FATHER an envelope filled with screen-shots of naked pictures and emails they had exchanged. My poor dad had to be the one to tell me.”

23. When He Uses Condoms Post Vasectomy


24. When He Goes On A Writers’ Retreat


“My husband is a writer and he went away for a month to a writers’ retreat to try to finish his first novel. When he came back, it was clear something was off. Not only was the novel, which never sold because it is TERRIBLE, not finished, but he had a case of genital warts. Awesome. Thank you, random hookup.”

25. When He Has A Dating Profile


“One of my single friends saw his profile on an online dating site. He was looking for ‘something discrete.’ Apparently he doesn’t know what ‘discrete’ means since his profile picture was VERY clearly him. What an idiot. I kicked his ass to the curb.”

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.