If there's one thing Twitter has no shortage of, it's bad takes.
They're everywhere. Spend just a few minutes perusing the platform, and you're bound to come up with several. In fact, here's one right now! It was tweeted out by user @Mr_Emmcap__ on Christmas day, and says that women should keep their “disgusting” period pain complaints to themselves.
It’s so disgusting the way some girls complain about period pain on social media. Yes we know that you guys go through a lot during period but is it that too difficult to keep it yourselves or what?
— Ibrahim’ (@Mr_Emmcap__) December 25, 2018
The man wrote: “It’s so disgusting the way some girls complain about period pain on social media. Yes, we know that you guys go through a lot during period but is it that too difficult to keep it yourselves or what?”
Women responded by the dozen, many of them offering super-detailed renditions of their menstruation experiences.
I just wanted you to know that I have been going through the Christmas period, despite my advanced post child bearing years. And it was like a motherfucking Tarantino movie, dude. Like, sitting on beach towels – tampons weren't going to cut it. Clots the size of men's hurt feelz.
— Sam Connor (@criprights) December 27, 2018
So, like I said earlier today.
Pain has reduced but flow still heavy.
Taken pills but yh, changed my bloody pad for the night.1 day down, 3 days to go Emmcap 💃💃💃💃
— Rani (@260two) December 26, 2018
My periods during winter are the worst 🤔 not only do I experience the worst sharp pain…but my blood clots are so big and visible my bathroom becomes a "periods mpolaye" festival 🤯🤮😴
— Siviwe💙😚 (@SiviweT) December 26, 2018
Particularly involving, err, backdoor expulsions:
Don't get me started on the horniness that one has during the period_ you just wanna smash constantly!Then diarrhea, then constant nausea and Mara you're happy and sad you can't even drink alcohol because you just don't wanna be in public just in case the flow decides to overflow
— UnpRAWvoked (@karigoh) December 26, 2018
I struggle with severe period pains 1 week before my period, usually accompanied with severe constipation. The week of my period the pain intensifies plus I also get diarrhea.
— Nhlanhla Maphanga (@NhlanhlaMan1) December 26, 2018
What, it’s hard for you to imagine we might be distressed by a potato sized organ in our pelvic region feeling like it’s simultaneously turning itself inside out, twisting into red hot barbed wire that it’s wrapped in, and also trying to fall out one of your orifices?
— Allison Floyd (@AllisonRFloyd) December 27, 2018
And while some went above and beyond chronicling their “disgusting” periods, others wrote about the debilitating pain menstruation can cause.
I can literally feel my uterus shedding and I get such bad pains in my vagina that I can’t move for the whole 5 days and my friend has been to the emergency room 3 times while she was on her period bc the cramps were so bad so were allowed to complain sis
— anna (@jpadlovely) December 27, 2018
I got my period on Christmas day. the cramps meant I was curled up on the sofa for hours. then in my sleep my menstrual cup dislodged itself and I bled down my legs as I went to fix it. it was messy. dont get me started on the blood clots.
— 🧸dr big sexy🧸 (@sadsexygemini) December 26, 2018
My last period I woke with such intense pain, I rushed to the bathroom to vomit. After calling in sick, taking a cocktail of Tylenol, Advil & midol I laid on my bed crying with a heating pad on maximum praying for the lord to take me. But you have a blessed day 😏
— 🇯🇲MsRenaP🇨🇦 (@Ms_Rena) December 26, 2018
Cramps so bad that I’d get a fever & vomit, gushing enough blood to soak thru super+ tampons in under an hour. Clots the size of golf balls. But then I got cancer at age 39, had my ovaries removed plus hormone suppression. Can’t decide which is worse, period or hot flashes.
— Danielle Karber (@danielle_dk) December 27, 2018
With my first period the pain was so bad I had recurrent dreams that I was being stabbed to death! I was eleven! No one would give me painkillers! I bled so badly my school thought I was haemorrhaging! Thank you for this opportunity to get that trauma off my chest x
— Ewar Woowar (@EwaSR) December 28, 2018
Imagine if you were homeless, too. @chiperiodprjct #dignity
— Coach Allison 🇺🇸 (@AttackA10) December 26, 2018
Tweet of the year only coz of the replies, I feel liberated conveniently so coz I just got my period and my lower back and pelvis are starting to kill me not to mention how sad I am now that I know I should expect period diarrhoea, more cramps and heavy flow with clots.😥😥😭😭
— Isfundiswa🎓 (@Sli_Simelane) December 27, 2018
I haven't had a period in fifteen years, but when I did, I used to have to have surgery once or twice a year to get rid of endometrial tissue which refused to stay in its lane. That shit was EVERYWHERE. On my bladder, around my colon, even attached to the sciatic nerve.
— Tracey Lomax-Nixon 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 (@LoudMouthedChic) December 27, 2018
A whole slew of others simply voiced their support for all the badass women in the world still going about their day and getting sh*t done, all while experiencing crippling pain.
To all the queens under this tweet, I stan🙌🙌 This is the most grossly satisfying replies ever. Period!!!
— Childofwonder (@shewriteorrun) December 26, 2018
I am here for every single female on this thread
— aj PA-C (@j_thePA) December 27, 2018
— Biscuit Head 🍪 (@Ayshxtu) December 26, 2018
In fact, the original tweet seemed to have backfired, as multiple women voiced their joy at having found others with similar experiences.
Which seems fine by him. OP has yet to reply to any of the nearly 2,000 comments to his rage-bait tweet, but has since pinned it to his Twitter profile, seemingly doubling down on his take.