These 17 Babysitters Are Every Mom’s Worst Nightmare


I’m not my mom. But she hired a highschooler, that threw me into a wall, but I broke the fall with my head. Split my head right open. When she got home, the babysitter was like yeah they are asleep upstairs. Took the money. Yes, I was upstairs, but as my Ma saw I was upstairs holding a towel on my head because I was bleeding. The babysister ghosted all my mom’s calls after that. Still have a small scar from that


Asked my father to watch my son. Came back a while later, and saw the son in the back yard, peddled his bicycle into our rosebushes and was now stuck. “Dad, I thought we told you to watch him?!” I yelled. “I did watch him, he’s right there in those rosebushes.”


I hired my best friend to watch my three year old and 8 week old when I returned to work after maternity leave. I just needed her for a few weeks until I found permanent childcare. First few days were great. I came home to a clean house and happy kids. On day four, my husband calls me at work flipping out. He tells me he could hear the screaming as soon as he pulled into the driveway and when he walked into the house there was food and dishes all over, our oldest was crying in a corner, the baby was screaming from his crib, and my babysitter was yelling at everyone to shut the hell up. My husband had her leave immediately and tried to calm the children but found the baby hadn’t had his diaper changed in a looong time. He was soaked with pee and poop was oozing out of his onesie onto the pee soaked crib. We are still not sure what happened but from what we could get out of him, she left him to do whatever he wanted to do unsupervised and then when it came time for us to come home, she flipped out because of the mess and yelled at him. This apparently happened all four days she watched my kids and was only caught because my husband came home 30 minutes early on the 4th day. I never spoke to her again.

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.