19 Harrowing Tales of Kidnapping Victims


I was almost kidnapped as a child. I got off the bus and was walking home. I was probably less than 100ft away from the stop. Immediately a white cargo van pulls up and the door swings open. A nice woman starts asking me where i lived and to come in and she will drop me off. Keep in mind its winter and I live in Canada so its freezing. I grew up with stranger danger so my alarm bells are ringing. There was no way I was going in and at this point the woman was practically leaning out of the car. I peered over her and saw a big fucken dood crouching behind her. I noped the fuck out of there real quick and the van closed its doors and sped off.


We were living in Isphahan, Iran, in 1960. My mom went on a long vacation in France that summer. When she was gone our father packed up me (10) & my other sister (12) & flew us to Madrid without telling us where we were going. We were met in Madrid at the airport by a British woman, Pat, who my father introduced to us by saying, “This is your new mother. You'll never see your other mother again.” Then we all left for England & our dad put us in a boarding school. Meanwhile my mom had got back to Isphahan to no one. She searched the house & found some discarded brochures for boarding schools in Europe. She wrote to churches in several countries & asked them to ask at local schools if we were there. Someone found us, my mom had the household packed up & shipped back to the States, & came & got us.


My friend & former coworker was kidnapped. We worked at a grocery store with a huge parking lot. His lunch was about midnight & he walked out to his car. As soon as he opened the door, two guys jumped out from behind it, hit him in the head, & made him get in the back. Then they went to the freeway & drove him to LA. Once they got to LA they pulled up to an ATM & made him get out & withdraw a bunch of cash. He gave it to them & they drove around, bought some drugs, and hired a prostitute, whom they took turns with in the back seat right next to him. Then they kicked him out and he called the police and made it home, a bit bruised and shaken up, but alright. His car was later found totaled and abandoned.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.