35 Etiquette Tips that Will Make You a Less Terrible Person

4. Don't go wild with the expense account.


A work dinner isn't the place or time to order everything on the menu – and please, don't even think about asking for leftovers. Not a good look.

5. Remember, your boss is not your ‘friend'.


This applies equally to Facebook and real life. Because while your wild Friday night story is undoubtably funny, it probably doesn't scream ‘promote me'. And neither does Instagramming an impressive bong rip.

6. Keep work voicemails brief.


Your coworker wants to know what the emergency is, not what you ate for breakfast. Time is money, yo.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.