What It’s Like Being With Someone With An Opposite Sex Drive


I have a much higher sex drive than him and also slightly more quirky tastes. I have a few toys but feel guilty using them when he’s in the house it’s almost like I’m rubbing it in his face that I’m not getting enough sex.


I have an incredibly high sex drive and my bf has an incredibly low one. If one of us is in the mood but the other is not, we usually masturbate together. This either 1. Turns him on and we go at it or 2. Satisfies me enough to wait for the next time he is in the mood. The only real rule is that we do this TOGETHER and help in whatever way we can. The other thing we do is make sure to communicate a lot about sex and what we like and how we’re feeling. If I make a move and he isnt in the mood, he will be 100% honest about being tired or whatever and then he offers to help me get off. Again, thankfully for us that usually gets him going then too.


Typically we only do it as often as she’d like. Dependent on mood/hormones the amount can vary. But it’ll be at least once or twice a week. There are points where she’ll do it simply because she knows I’ve had a rough day as well. It really just boils down to contentment and care for the other partner. Is sex amazing? Hell yeah. Would I have it every day if it were up to me? Hell yeah. But marriage is about more than just sex, and building a life together with my wife is amazingly satisfying. I try to respect what her body is telling her so that when she is ready we can have mind blowing sex that is successful for both of us. She tries to respect my body by engaging with me even when she doesn’t feel like it. Mutual love and respect is how we make it work.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.