You Won’t Believe How These 19 Guys Broke Their D*cks


I twisted a testicle when I was twelve trying to lift a heavy box, it was the most immense pain I have ever experienced. It got to the point were I couldn’t walk, but I did get my balls touched by women for the first time so that was pretty cool.


If anyone knows what a frenulum is, it’s the little string that connects your dick-skin to the head of your penis, and it stops your foreskin from going too far. Mine was ripped completely off. I was on top, and fell out, and was way too eager, and she tensed up, stretching the foreskin like… way down. I pulled out and blood was dripping out of her like crazy. I’m like, “Oh fuck! What did I do to her?!?!?” and I pulled away more, and realized most-to-all of it was dripping from my schlong. Long story short, I went into shock while I sat on the toilet and I peed dick-blood with all the internal pressure of a war-hardened boner, until the water levels raised by like 2 or 3 pisses worth, and it finally stopped bleeding through the bandages.


I had my dick snapped by way of ‘reverse cowgirl.’ I heard quite a loud crack and it was quite painful. I never saw a doctor or anything about it and now when I get an erection it just kinda kinks in that one spot if you try bend it too much. Fun times.


Guy I dated in middle school got his dick stuck in the vacuum cleaner and had to go to the hospital and needed stitches.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.