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  • 23 People’s Experiences Show Why Concerts Suck

    Back in high school, I went to as many concerts as my parents would let me. Every other week, there was another punk rock or SKA band that was my on the top of my current obsessions and I’d beg my mom to let me go with my best friend. We’d hang out at the […] More

  • 19 Most Awful Things Parents Said to Their Kids

    Parenting styles are different but one thing is certain, they love their kids, no matter what. Raising unruly kids that don’t usually listen to you when you ask them to is pretty frustrating. Imagine spending all day taking care of another human being and in return, they decide to talk back to you and tell […] More

  • 21 People That Laughed at the Worst Possible Time

    Whenever I get nervous in an awkward situation, my first instinct is to laugh uncontrollably. No matter what the situation. Nine times out of ten, it doesn’t help me out anymore than I thought it would but I can’t help it. I try to suppress the laugh but it’ll work its way out of me […] More

  • 21 Most Ridiculous Things People Have Been Jealous Of

    Jealousy comes in all forms, shapes, and sizes. It’s a pretty ugly look but we’ve all been there. When my younger brother was born, I was so jealous that my mom found me with a pillow right above him one day, ready to smother my problem away. Yeah, I was THAT jealous of him and […] More

  • 17 Lifeguards Share Pool Secrets You Don’t Want to Know

    Long days at the pool are what summer’s all about. Pack up the essentials: towels, sunscreen, a good read, water, and hit the ground running (but make sure not to run around the perimeter of the pool, that’s not allowed). While kids, families, and friends enjoy the cool pool time, lifeguards are out here making […] More

  • 25 Travelers Share their Strangest Encounters Overseas

    Traveling overseas and experiencing a different part of the world, various cultures, and meeting new people is the dream. As soon as you step foot into another country, the realization that possibilities are endless becomes attainable and you can’t wait to check everything off your bucket list. Where to eat? What sights are you going […] More

  • These 19 Gynecologists Treated the Most Disgusting Patients

    Ladies, annual exams and pap smears should be top priority, especially when we get older. I know this sounds like advice from your mom but it’s something to be said to avoid anything that’ll harm you and your health in the long run. That being said, gynecologists are pretty brave to go into women’s healthcare. […] More

  • 17 Campers Share Their Craziest Travels

    Camping is the quintessential activity to do over any break: summer, winter, or spring. It’s a way to get out in the open, be one with nature, unplug from social media, and hang out with friends or family. It’s always great to unwind in the middle of nature and even more so to take a […] More

  • 21 Sob Stories that Were Actually Fake

    Have you ever heard a story so absurd that you don’t even think twice and believe it? There are some pretty convincing con-artists in the world, like Leo in Catch Me If You Can status. Kudos to those people that make up extravagant sob stories that are so insanely convincing that people actually fall for […] More

  • 23 Men Admit Their Weirdest Deal Breakers

    Dating nowadays is such an awkward song and dance. Getting yourself out in there is the first hurdle, followed by actually meeting someone. Societal pressures for men are just as frustrating in finding a partner as it is for women. Men are expected to make the first move, suggest a spot, open doors, and so […] More

  • 21 People Share the Strangest Thing They’ve Researched for A Story

    Have you ever found yourself researching something totally obscure that kept you up for at least a couple hours? I love going down an internet rabbit hole after I’ve exhausted my mind on memes and Wikipedia to move on to the pregnancy cycle of different mammals and such. Don’t judge me, we’ve all been there. […] More

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